Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Traveling Solo

It has been months since I've really traveled (Indiana for Thanksgiving and Christmas don't count). Needless to say, I've got the bug and I'm ready for my next adventure! Plans for a trip to Greece in September 2011 are already underway, but my lovable idiosyncratic to-do lists, maps, and bucket lists have got me thinking ahead to my next destination.

Some obstacles:
1. Money. I've got rent, bills, taxes- you know the drill- on top of my semi- jet setting lifestyle. Not to mention siphoning part of my paycheck to my savings account. All of the above is making me depressed. Moving on...
2. Time. There is never a good time to take a vacation. Work gets in the way of life; there's always something important to get done. Boooo.
3. Finding a travel buddy. See points 1 and 2. It is very difficult to find a person who is on the same page as you monetarily and time-wise. Do you have a similar budget for the trip? How many days vacation do they get? Do the vacation times coincide? Also, said person has to have a similar travel temperament. It's all about the proper mesh- if you don't have it, the trip is going to suck.

So all that being said... why not travel alone? I came across an article in the Travel section of the Washington Post about flying solo and I must say I've always been intrigued with making the bold move to travel abroad on my own. Set a budget and go. Put in vacay and go. Pack a suitcase and go.

I've gotten push back from people I've run the idea by- mainly the it's-not-safe-for-a-woman-to-travel-abroad-alone one. Gross. Are we not already an entire decade into the 21st century? I truly understand their concerns (I saw the movie Taken, after all). But why deny the opportunity to branch out on your own and do something incredible for yourself? You know, get a chance to take everything in at your own pace. Sit, read, write, draw. Experience the world on your terms.

"Travel only with thy equals or thy betters; if there are none, travel alone." -The Dhammapada

1 comment:

  1. Hey S - I'm bored at work and was noodling around various blogs I haven't read in a while, found yours, read this and had to open my big mouth. Go see the freaking world and screw anyone who says it isn't safe to travel alone! It isn't safe if you're a fraidy cat that intentionally puts yourself in stupid places looking like an idiot tourist. Other than that it can be awesome.

    Just don't go to gorgeous beach locations that turn out to be utterly perfect for (and riddled with) honeymooners, new couples, and people conducting illicit affairs w/ women 30 years their junior. Not that I ever made that mistake with an amazing place in Thailand but I'm just saying that I wouldn't do that again... Although I did have a very romantic encounter with an elephant there so it wasn't a total loss. :-)

    Seriously, it's a very different experience to travel alone but it can be pretty neat. And I hear you about finding a travel partner - it took me years to find one that was really perfect for me but when I did she and I had fantastic adventures together until Darren came into the picture and screwed everything up.

    Greece is awesome. Get there soon. The men are fantastic!

