Monday, August 8, 2011

Italian Noms

I think we can all agree that Italian food is amazing. When I got back to the States, I had a one month hiatus from eating anything remotely Italian. It was just too depressing to think about having anything but the real deal.

Italians have a whole bunch of options for their breakfast. My Perugian breakfasts consisted of small, dry toasts, Nutella, fresh fruit, meat and cheeses, and pastry croissants filled with chocolate. As always, a cup of coffee (cappuccino, espresso) was there to accompany the meals :)

Cappuccino in Roma

Breakfast in Perugia
Most of my lunches in Italy were very casual since I was making a travel connection, was on a tour, or had to make an evening rehearsal. Bars, pizzerias, and trattorias were the name of the game!

Pizzeria in Perugia. The table did food swaps so we could all enjoy the variety of goodness.

Gnocchi in a balsamic vinaigrette sauce in Montepulciano

Lunch buffet in Perugia

Best panino of my life from La Buca del Tartufo (not far from Palazzo dei Consoli) in Gubbio.
Served around 8pm, these were the meals I looked forward to the most! Antipasto, contorni, primi piatti, secondi piatti and dolci... va bene! Also, here's a random factoid about Perugian cuisine: their bread has remained unsalted since 1540.

Welcome dinner in Perugia

Last meal in Italy- Fettuccine Alfredo
My favorite wines are Tuscan reds, like Chianti (I blame studying abroad in Florence for my love). I'd order a glass of the house wine for most meals, and go to the grocery to pick up super cheap bottles to drink back at the hotel. Even their worst "2 buck chuck" was decent. If you're on a budget, that's the best way to go!

Spaghetti and Chianti in Florence
Straciatella. Enough said :)

Three flavors in that one cup of gelato

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