Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Musings of a lively capital city 66° north of the equator.

A select few pictures in and around Reykjavík made enough of an impression on me to chronicle the experience in writing. The quotes below are excerpts from my travel journal reflecting thoughts/events that happened when I took each picture.

"Long, open windows lined the top and looking out we saw an amazing view of the small city."

"A guy on his balcony makes a noise like he was going to hock a loogie. We look up. He says, 'Welcome to Iceland.' We all started laughing- it was hilarious."

"Reykjavík was full of downward turned face statues [not sure what their deal was]. We put a mask on the statue because of all the ash. Awesome. We are officially those tourists!"

"It felt kitschy :) Knickknacks lined the wall as well as an old fishing net in the corner."

"According to the hostel guy we talked to, a knitter asked permission of Reykjavík to tag the city with her craft."

"On our way, we were cat-called by some local men drinking by the harbor. 'Americans!' "

"It's a very modern design, small compared to other European churches."

"It was about 1 am then. It was dusky out- but mostly ashy. I climbed all over that statue like a monkey."

"Our destination was a pretty, two story white building on the lake with a view of town hall."

"On the way back from the afterglow, we saw a lady wearing MC Hammer pants!!!! The guy didn't seem to mind. Their love was so pure hahahaha."

"A security guard at the front door appeared. 'NO PICTURES!' I asked if I could take a pic of the sign. 'All things that way are OK.' So I got a pic of the embassy sign by the road. We walked past, then the guard re-emerged and followed us for half a block."

"We kill the vodka and go out for round #2 (to no avail). We ended up using my self timer to take pics of us in front of the bridge that changes colors at night."

"The sun was out, the temperature just right and we were surrounded by the Reykjavík locals on their lunch breaks. It was a perfect morning."

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