Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Kaffi Kaffi Kaffi

If I learned anything in Iceland, it's that Icelanders love their coffee, or kaffi. As the world's biggest export, next to oil, it's no surprise that this island hopped on the java bandwagon and formed a kaffi-centric culture. I mean, it makes perfect sense. Beer was illegal until 1987 and alcohol is super expensive. Kaffi is the logical drink of choice.

My first Icelandic kaffi in the Keflavík airport. Notice the kaffi beans in the bar counter :)

Kaffi has made its mark as a staple of Icelandic society. Ironically the honor of highest coffee drinkers per capita goes to Finland (seriously? I think a recount may be in order). Icelanders serve the drink for just about any occasion. In my case, my choir was served coffee on our rehearsal breaks. This blew my mind! Never had I had coffee in the middle of a block of singing- it was always water and only water.

Kaffi break at rehearsal with Vox Academica. Such great hosts!

There are coffeehouses all over Reykjavík with wi-fi, reading material, and tasty pastries. Cafe Paris was my favorite place to enjoy a cup and people watch :) Unlike the United States, coffee is rarely ordered to go. Icelanders prefer to savor their brew (usually strong) and enjoy life. What a foreign concept for we on the go Americans haha! Also, there was not one Starbucks in Iceland- the coffeehouse chain thing never caught on. Iceland's kaffi is truly unique.

Icelandic pancakes, kaffi, and people watching at Cafe Paris.

Never have I had so much coffee in my life! I must have had 3 cups a day at least :)

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